Sweet Annie: The Sweet Smell of Success

The Champion Historical Society recently held a very successful Miscellaneous Sale. The sale featured bundles of Sweet Annie harvested from the Society’s very own herb garden. Some of the plants grew to nearly 5 feet tall.

Sweet Annie is a fragrant perennial. Some plants grew to almost 5 feet in height.

Sweet Annie is a fragrant perennial. Some plants grew to almost 5 feet in height.

The garden is the result of the hard work and loving care of Society Herb Garden Chairperson, Joanne Green of Champion. Joanne is the owner of the Joannie’s Herb Closet and sought-after herbalist and lecturer as well as local business owner.
Sweet Annie is a member of the Artemisia family is also known as Wormwood. It is a hardy perennial, native to Asia but now grows worldwide. Traditionally used to treat parasites, Sweet Annie has a very bitter taste. It has been used in Vermouth and the liquor Absinthe which has been outlawed due to its hallucinogenic effects. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) favors the wormwood leaves as a tea for fevers.

Impressive studies are being conducted exploring the possible benefits of Wormwood in anti- cancer, anti- malaria, anti-viral treatments as well as treatments for maladies.

Sweet Annie should not be used internally professional medical supervision.
For more information of the many uses and benefits of herbs and essential oils contact Society Member, Joanne Green at (727) 793-7811.

Freshly harvested Sweet Annie.

Freshly harvested Sweet Annie.

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The colors of fall from the Champion Historical Society Garden.

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Sweet Annie hung to dry in the One Room School House.

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